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Full text of "President Lincoln and the case of John Y. Beall"

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President    Lincoln 


Case  of  John  Y.  Beall 



62  Beaver  St.,  New  York 


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Taken  three  hours  before  his  death 




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The  proceedings,  finding  and  sentence  are  approved  and  the 
accused  John  Y.  Beall  will  he  hanged  by  the  neck  till  he  is  dead, 
on  Governors  Island,  on  Friday  the  24:th  day  of  February,  1865." 

SUCH  was  the  endorsement  dated  February  18,  of  John  A. 
Dix,  Major  General  commanding  the  Department  of 
the  East  on  the  proceedings  of  a  military  com- 
mission convened  by  his  order,  in  the  city  of 
New  York  for  the  trial  of  Beall  for  violation  of  the 
laws  of  war  and  acting  as  a  spy.*  Beall 's  execution  in  coonformi- 
ty  with  the  sentence,  was  therefore  the  first  incident  of  the  kind 
in  the  vicinity  of  New  York  since  that  of  Nathan  Hale  eighty- 
nine  years  before.  From  the  beginning  of  the  war  Beall  had  en- 
gaged in  exciting  adventure  but  of  a  character  in  keeping  with 
his  reputation  as  a  man  of  refinement  and  culture.  Towards  the 
close  he  swerved  from  what  was  deemed  consistent  with  lawful 
warfare  and  for  this  he  paid  the  penalty  with  his  life. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  phases  of  Beall 's  case  was  its  dis- 
closure of  President  Lincoln  in  a  light  that  refutes  most  forcibly 
the  popular  impression  of  his  pliancy,  lacking  in  backbone  and  as 
easily  swayed  by  appeals  for  mercy  in  spite  of  his  four  years' 
previous  temporizing  with  transgressors  of  every  conceivable 
type.  In  no  instance  was  his  firm  and  unimpressionable  side  so 
strikingly  demonstrated  as  in  the  case  of  Beall  when  Heaven  and 
earth  were  moved  to  save  the  life  of  a  brave  but  misguided  sol- 
dier. Never  before  did  Lincoln  so  turn  a  deaf  ear  to  supplica- 
tions from  all  quarters  without  regard  to  party,  rank  or  station. 
"For  days  before  the  execution,"  it  was  said  ''the  President 
closed  the  doors  of  the  executive  palace  against  all  suppliants, 

*  Saturday,    February     18th,    was    originally  named    for    the    execution.      The    change    to 
Friday,    February    24th,    wa^   owing    to    certain  tecnical  errors  in  the  proceedings. 

male  or  female,  and  his  ears  against  all  appeals,  whether  with 
the  tongue  of  men  or  angels  in  behalf  of  the  unfortunate  prison- 
er. From  the  first  Mr.  Lincoln  had  responded  to  all  applications 
for  his  interposition— 'Gen.  Dix  may  dispose  of  the  case  as  he 
pleases— I  will  not  interfere!'  Gen.  Dix  on  his  part  replied  'All 
now  rests  with  the  President— as  far  as  my  action  rests  there  is 
not  a  gleam  of  hope. '  Thus  they  stood  as  the  pillars  of  the  gal- 
lows, on  which  Beall's  fate  was  suspended  and  between  them 
he  died." 

The  man  who  thus  wrought  a  change  in  the  attitude  of  the 
chief  magistrate,  heretofore  so  susceptible,  John  Y.  Beall,  was 
one  of  seven  children  of  a  prominent  family  of  Jefferson  County, 
Va.  He  inherited  wealth  and  social  position,  was  of  exemplary 
habits,-  well-read,  active  in  Church  work  and  of  philosophic  mind. 
He  had  taken  a  three  years  course  in  the  University  of  Virginia 
and  while  there  studied  law.  A  man  of  action,  enamored  of 
movement  and  change  he  joined  a  Virginia  regiment  early  in  the 
war,  and  was  shortly  thereafter  wounded  in  the  lungs.  Thus  in- 
capacitated from  regular  service  he  embarked  in  a  series  of  in- 
dependent enterprises  which  culminated  in  his  tragic  death.  He 
passed  much  of  his  time  in  Canada,  tlie  rendezvous  of  Confeder- 
ate agents  and  sympathizers  and  it  was  there,  presumably,  that 
he  conceived  the  idea  of  privateering  on  the  Lakes,  levying  and 
burning  some  of  the  adjacent  cities  and  releasing  Confederate 
prisoners  on  Johnson's  island  in  Lake  Erie.  He  flitted  between 
Canada  and  Richmond,  held  conferences  with  the  Confederate 
authorities  and  was  finally  given  a  commission  as  acting  master 
of  the  Confederate  Navy.  As  such  he  soon  attracted  attention  by 
numerous  exploits  in  Chesapeake  Bay  and  adjacent  waters,  such 
as  the  capture  of  little  Yankee  vessels  with  prisoners  and  stores, 
cutting  submarine  telegraph  cables  and  partially  destroying  Cape 
Charles  Light  House.  He  was  eventually  caught,  placed  in  irons 
in  Fort  McHenry  and  when  released  joined  an  organization  of 
Confederates  armed  with  revolvers  and  hatchets  who  captured 
two  regular  freight  and  passenger  steamers  on  Lake  Erie,  confis- 
cated the  cargoes  and  money,  scuttled  one  of  the  steamers  and 
put  all  on  board  under  duress. 

Thus  far  Beall's  exploits  while  reprehensible  were  far  less 

open  to  censure  than  his  subsequent  doings  which  comprised 
three  attempts  to  derail  passenger  cars  near  Butfalo',  N.  Y.,  with 
a  view  of  liberating  a  number  of  Confederate  officers— prisoners 
of  war— being  transferred  from  Johnson's  Island  to  Fort  War- 
ren, Boston  harbor.  By  what  psychological  process  this  man  of 
excellent  antecedents  could  be  brought  to  engage  in  operations  of 
this  character  surpasses  comprehension.  The  fact  remains  that 
after  two  unsuccessful  attempts  and  escape  he  was  after 
the  third  operation  on  December  14th,  1864,  caught  while  lin- 
gering at  the  railroad  station  at  Suspension  Bridge,  N.  Y,,  by  a 
local  policeman,  all  of  his  companions  having  escaped.  He  was 
sent  to  New  York,  confined  in  Police  Headquarters  and  then 
lodged  in  Fort  Lafayette  in  the  lower  bay.  There  he  occupied  a 
room  with  Gen.  Roger  A.  Pryor  recently  captured  in  Virginia, 
Beall  wished  Pryor  to  act  as  his  counsel.  Charles  A.  Dana,  as 
assistant  secretary  of  war  objected  on  the  ground  that  ''under 
no  circumstances  can  a  prisoner  of  war  be  allowed  to  act  as 
counsel  for  a  person  accused  of  being  a  spy.^'  Thereupon  James 
T.  Brady,  a  foremost  member  of  the  New  York  bar,  was  selected 
as  Beall's  counsel.  Five  witnesses  testified  for  the  prosecution 
No  witnesses  were  offered  by  the  defense.  Brady  contended  that 
Beall  was  no  spy  nor  was  he  amenable  to  a  military  commission. 
The  Judge  Advocate,  Major  John  Bolles  took  the  ground  that 
there  was  nothing  of  Christian  Civilization  and  nothing  of  regu- 
lar warfare  in  Beall's  operations.  BealPs  conviction  followed 
in  quick  order  and  he  requested  his  friend  to  send  to  the  Presi- 
dent a  copy  of  the  record  of  the  trial  and  attach  to  it  this  state- 
ment :  ' '  Some  of  the  evidence  is  true,  some  false.  I  am  not  a  spy 
or  guerrilero.  The  execution  of  the  sentence  will  be  murder." 
'  Beall's  friends  were  aroused  to  action,  either  through  Gen- 
Dix  or  President  Lincoln.  It  was  manifest  from  the  first  of 
Beall's  life  rests  with  the  former  there  was  no  escape.  Dix,  the 
man  of  resolution  and  iron-will,  author  of  the  famous  order  pro- 
mulgated on  the  eve  of  the  war— "If  any  one  attempts  to  haul 
down  the  American  flag  shoot  him  on  the  spot!"  was  none  of 
the  yielding  kind.  Moreover  in  his  approval  of  the  death  sen- 
tence he  had  said  that  "a  want  of  flexibility  in  executing  the 
sentence  of  death  would  be  against  the  outraged  civilization  and 

humanity  of  the  age ' '  and  let  it  be  understood  from  the  start  that 
he  would  not  recede. 

At  this  point  the  tide  turned  in  the  direction  of  the  White 
House  with  two  close  friends  and  schoolmates  of  Beall  in  the 
University  of  Virginia  in  the  lead— Albert  Ritchie  in  later  years 
Judge  of  the  Baltimore  Supreme  Court  and  James  A.  L.  McClure 
at  a  subsequent  period  prominent  in  Maryland  politics.  Andrew 
Sterrett  Ridgely  of  Baltimore,  son-in-law  of  Reverdy  Johnson, 
was  an  early  caller  on  the  President  in  behalf  of  Beall,  the  result 
of  which  confinned  him  that  Dix  was  to  have  his  way.  Francis 
L.  Wheatly,  a  leading  Baltimorean,  went  to  Washington  and 
joined  numerous  New  Yorkers  in  a  conference  with  the  Presi- 
dent. Congressman  R.  Mallory,  of  Kentucky,  and  a  party  of 
ladies  were  received  by  Mr.  Lincoln.  There  was  in  Washington 
at  this  time  Orville  H.  Browning  of  Illinois,  a  close  personal 
friend  of  the  President  who  had  served  in  the  United  States  Sen- 
ate as  successor  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas  and  his  services  were  re- 
tained by  Beall 's  friends.  Browning  prepared  a  statement  to  be 
laid  before  the  President  and  called  at  the  White  House  with 
Ritchie  and  others.  At  one  of  these  interviews  Browning  was 
closeted  for  an  hour  with  the  President.  On  another  visit  he 
brought  with  him  a  petition  bearing  the  signature  of  85  members 
of  the  House  and  another  signed  by  6  members  of  the  Senate 
many  of  which  were  obtained  by  the  aid  of  the  Rev,  Dr.  John  J. 
Bullock,  of  the  Franklin  Street  Presbyterian  Church  of  Balti- 
more. These  petitions  together  with  a  letter  of  Browning,  all 
hitherto  unpublished  read  as  follows: 

Washington,  D.  C,  Feb.  17,  1865. 
The  President: 

Capt.  John  Y.  Beall  has  been  tried  by  a  court  martial  at  New 
York,  found  guilty  and  sentenced  to  be  hung  as  a  spy  and  guer- 

The  sentence  was  approved  by  Major  General  Dix  on  the  14th 
Feb'y,  and  directed  to  be  carried  into  execution  tomorrow  the 

This  is  brief  time  for  preparation  for  so  solemn  and  appalling 
an  event.  The  friends  of  Capt.  Beall  desire  to  appeal  to  your 
clemency  for  a  commutation  of  the  sentence  from  death  to  im- 

prisonmeiit  and  that  they  may  have  the  opportunity  to  prepare 
and  present  to  your  consideration  the  reasons  which  they  hope 
may  induce  to  a  commutation. 

They  now  beseech  you  to  grant  the  unhappy  man  such  respite 
as  you  may  deem  reasonable  and  just  under  the  circumstances. 
As  a  short  respite  is  all  that  is  asked  for  now  and  as  that  can  in 
no  event  harm,  I  forbear  at  present  to  make  any  other  sugges- 
tion. Most  respectfully  your  friend, 

0.  H.  Browning. 

Since  writing  the  foregoing  the  Eev.  Dr.  Bullock  and  others 
have  placed  in  my  hands  a  petition  signed  by  ninety-one  members 
of  Congress  including  Speaker  Colfax,  which  I  submit  here- 

To  THE  President: 

The  undersigned  members  of  the  House  of  Representatives 
respectfully  ask  your  Excellency  to  commute  the  sentence  of 
Captain  John  Y.  Beall,  now  under  sentence  to  be  hung  on  Gover- 
nor's Island  on  the  18th  (tomorrow). 

J.  A.  Cravens  (Ind.)  Nathan  F.  Dixon  (R.  I.) 

W.  E.  Fink  (0.)  John  L.  Dawson  (Pa.) 

Joseph  K.  Edgerton  (Ind.)  Geo.  Bliss  (0.) 

A.  L,  Knapp  (Ills.)  James  S.  Rollins  (Mo.) 

W.  R.  Morrison  (Ills.)  H.  A.  Nelson  (N.  Y.) 

John  R.  Eden  (Ills.)  Francis  Keman  (N.  Y.) 

Dwight  Townsend  (N.  Y.)  E.  Dumont  (Ind.) 

John  V.  L.  Pruyn  (N.  Y.)  A.  McAllister  (Pa.) 

'M.  F.  Odell  (N.  Y.)  H.  W.  Tracy  (Pa.) 

Anson  Herrick  (N.  Y.)  K.  V.  Whally  (W.  Va.) 

Wm.  Radford  (N.  Y.)  John  Ganson  (N.  Y.) 

H.  W.  Harrington  (Ind.)  I.  Donnelly  (Minn.) 

Benj.  G.  Harris  (Md.)  R.  Mallory  (Ky.) 

L.  D.  M.  Sweat  (Me.)  A.  Harding  (Ky.) 

Daniel  Marcy  (N.  H.)  H.  Grider  (Ky.) 

John  McNeill  (?)  Joseph  Baily  (Pa.) 

Charles  Denison  (Pa.)  Austin  A.  King  (Mo.) 


Greo.  H.  Yeaman  (Ky.) 
W.  A.  Hutchins  (O.) 
J.  W.  White  (0.) 
Jas.  R.  Morris  (0.) 
J.  F.  McKinney  (0.) 
W.  G.  Steele  (N.  J.) 
JohnB.  Steele  (N.  Y.) 
Geo.  H.  Pendleton  (0.) 
J.  W.  Chanler  (N.  Y.) 
John  Law  (Ind.) 
Martin  Kalbfleisch  (N.  Y.) 
J.  C.  Allen  (111.) 
S.  P.  Ancona  (Pa.) 
Fernando  Wood  (N.  Y.) 
W.  P.  Noble  (0.) 
Aug.  C.  Baldwin  (Mich.) 
John  A.  Griswold  (N.  Y.) 
Lu  Anderson  (Ky.) 
A.  H.  Coffroth  (Pa.) 
J.  N.  Broomall  (Pa.) 
J.  A.  Garfield  (0.) 
Sam'l  S.  Cox  (0.) 
John  T.  Stewart  (Ills.) 
S.  Colfax  (Ind.) 
C.  A.  Eldridge  (Wis.) 
Wm.  H.  Miller  (Pa.) 

James  E.  English  (Conn.) 
James  S.  Brown  (Wis.) 
Wm.  Johnson  (0.) 
W.  H.  Randall  (Ky.) 
Brutus  J.  Clay  (Ky.) 
Lew  W.  Ross  (Ills.) 
E.  C.  IngersoU  (Ills.) 
W.  H.  Wadsworth  (Ky.) 

C.  M.  Harris  (Ky.) 
James  T.  Hale  (Pa.) 
Wm.  G.  Brown  (W.  Va.) 
M.  Russell  Thayer  (Pa.) 
Alexander  Long  (0.) 

G.  Clay  Smith  (Ky.) 
Thos.  T.  Davis  (N.  Y.) 
Henry  T.  Blow  (Mo.) 
I.  K.  Moorhead  (Pa.) 
S.  F.  Miller  (N.  Y.) 
R.  P.  Spaulding  (0.) 

E.  R.  Eckley  (0.) 

D.  Morris  (N.  Y.) 

F.  W.  Kellogg  (Mich.) 
A.  J.  Rogers  (N.  J.) 
W.  B.  Allison  (Iowa.) 
T.  A.  Jenckes  (R.  I.) 
C.  H.  Winfield  (N.  J.) 

Among  the  foregoing  names  will  be  recognized  many  who  at- 
tained higher  honors  in  later  years  including  that  of  James  A. 
Garfield  whose  signature  is  preceded  by  a  note  reading :  ' '  I  rec- 
ommend a  temporary  reprieve  at  least." 

Henry  T.  Blow  wrote  before  signing:  *'I  hope  that  time  for 
preparation  will  be  extended  to  this  man,"  and  J.  K.  Moorhead 
the  following  signer  wrote:  ''So  say  I." 

D.  Morris  (Daniel  Morris  of  Yates  County,  N.  Y.)  took  the 
precaution  before  appending  his  endorsement  to  insert  the 
words :  * '  If  the  public  safety  will  admit  I  concur. ' ' 

This  petition  Mr.  Browning  presented  to  the  President,  re- 

taining  a  copy  which  he  later  endorsed  as  follows:  "Feb.  17, 
1865.  Called  on  the  President  and  read  the  original  of  this  pa- 
per to  him,  and  left  it,  together  with  petition  signed  by  91  mem- 
bers of  Congress  with  him." 

The  appeal  of  the  six  Senators  was  in  the  following  language : 

Washington,  February  17th,  1865. 

To  His  Excellency  the  President  : 

Your  petitioners  respectfully  represent  that  John  Yates  Beall 
of  Jefferson  County,  Virginia,  was  arrested  on  the  16th  day  of 
December  last  and  taken  to  the  City  of  New  York  and  there  tried 
by  a  military  commission  appointed  by  Maj.  Gen'l  Dix  upon 
charges,  1st  of  a  violation  of  the  laws  of  war,  and  2nd  * '  Acting  as 
a  spy, ' '  and  after  a  hasty  trial  was  found  guilty  and  is  sentenced 
to  be  hung  on  Saturday  the  18th  inst.  As  it  is  admitted 
that  the  said  Beall  is  a  Captain  regularly  commissioned  in  the 
rebel  service  and  that  Jefferson  Davis  by  a  manifesto  of  the 
day  of assumed  all  responsibility  for  the  acts  of  Cap- 
tain Beall  and  Comrades  in  capturing  the  Steamer  Philo  Par- 
sons and  the  Island  Queen,  and  thus  publicly  asserted  that  the 
several  acts  specified  in  the  charges  against  said  Beall  were  done 

under  his  authority  and  direction,  we  therefore  respectfully  rec- 
ommend your  Excellency  a  commutation  of  the  sentence  of  death 
pronounced  against  him.  Very  respectfully, 

L.  W.  Powell  (Ky.) 
0.  R.  BucKALEw  (Pa.) 
J.  A.  McDouGALL  (Calf.) 
Wm.  Wright  (N.  J.) 
Geo.  Read  Riddle  (Del.) 
Garrett  Davis  (Ky.) 

As  might  be  supposed  Browning's  influence  with  Lincoln  in 
this  instance,  went  for  naught.  As  a  result  of  his  numerous  in- 
terviews he  brought  to  Beall 's  friends  no  more  assurance  than  a 
possible  commutation  of  sentence  should  the  inexorable  Dix  be 
induced  to  approve.  The  President  was  uninfluenced  by  the 
visits  of  Richard  S.  Spofford,  librarian  of  Congress,  John  W. 
Garrett,  President  of  the  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad,  Mr.  Ris- 
ley,  the  law  partner  of  Browning,  Thaddeus  Stevens  of  Pennsyl- 


vania,  Gov.  John  Andrew  of  Massachusetts,  George  W.  Grafflin 
and  Edward  Stabler,  both  prominent  citizens  o^  Maryland.  When 
James  T.  Brady,  Beall's  counsel,  who  had  served  without  com- 
pensation, sought  an  interview  he  was  told  by  the  President's 
secretary  that  the  case  being  closed  he  could  not  be  seen.  Mont- 
gomery Blair  was  disposed  of  in  like  manner  despite  the  fact 
that  he  had  been  Postmaster  General  in  Lincoln's  cabinet  and 
the  venerable  Frances  P.  Blair  of  Maryland,  who  held  confiden- 
tial relations  with  Lincoln  gained  nothing  by  his  visit.  Accom- 
panying Montgomery  Blair  was  Mrs.  John  S.  Gittings,  wife  of 
a  well-known  Baltimore  banker  and  railroad  President.  The 
Gittings  were  no  strangers  to  the  President,  Mrs.  Lincoln  and 
her  two  younger  sons  having  enjoyed  the  hospitality  of  their 
home  on  Mount  Vernon  place  Baltimore  when  the  President  elect 
made  the  secret  night  journey  to  Washington  four  years  before. 
This  fruitless  visit  of  Montgomery  Blair  with  Mrs.  Gittings  was 
on  the  night  preceding  Beall's  execution— February  23d. 

The  same  night  witnessed  a  most  remarkable  gathering  at  the 
White  House— a  joint  call  of  John  W.  Forney,  Republican  edi- 
tor, Washington  McLean,  Democrat  editor  and  Roger  A.  Pryor, 
Confederate  Brigadier,  the  latter  fresh  from  imprisonment  in 
Fort  Lafayette  where  he  had  met  Beall.  The  purpose  of  this 
call  was  a  double  one— to  secure  the  parole  or  exchange  of 
Pryor  and  discuss  with  the  President  the  case  of  Beall.  Lin- 
coln paroled  Pryor  in  the  custody  of  Forney  at  whose  house  he 
remained  as  a  guest  for  several  weeks  until  he  left  for  Virginia. 
Next  the  party  took  up  the  case  of  Beall  at  great  length.  For- 
ney, McLean  and  Pryor  urged  a  respite.  Lincoln  was  much  in- 
terested in  all  Pryor  had  to  say  of  the  young  man's  social  stand- 
ing and  high  reputation.  Finally  he  showed  a  telegram  from  Dix 
stating  that  Beall's  execution  was  necessary  for  the  security  of 
the  community.  Dix  undoubtedly  had  in  mind  the  recent  at- 
tempt to  burn  the  city  of  New  York  and  the  suspicion  that  Beall 
had  a  hand  in  it  despite  Beall's  assurance  to  Pryor  that  such 
was  not  the  case.  Finding  the  President  obdurate  the  party 

Pryor  had  with  him  Beall's  diary  which  he  gave  to  McLean. 
A  copy  of  this  he  kept  and  another  copy  he  gave  to  Gen.  W.  N. 

R.  Beall.  On  his  arrival  in  Eiclimond  three  week's  later  Pryor 
had  an  interview  with  President  Davis  to  whom  he  fully  ex- 
plained his  conference  with  Lincoln.  He  then  went  to  Petersburg 
his  old  home  which  was  shortly  afterward  occupied  by  Gen. 
Grant.  The  President  at  this  time  made  a  flying  visit  to  that 
town.  While  there  he  expressed  a  wish  to  have  Pryor  call  and 
see  him,  Pryor,  fearing  that  his  people  at  this  peculiar  juncture 
might  misconstrue  his  motive  and  resent  his  intercourse  with  the 
''Yankee  President"  deemed  it  best  to  decline  the  invitation. 

This  visit  of  Forney,  McLean  and  Pryor  to  the  White  House 
was  probably  the  last  in  behalf  of  Beall  and  Dix  had  his  way 
the  execution  of  Beall  taking  place  as  ordered  on  February  24th. 
In  striking  contrast  with  Dix's  firm  stand  against  Beall  was  his 
complaisance  in  the  distribution  of  passes  to  witness  the  execu- 
tion. These  were  given  out  without  question,  promiscuously  and 
for  the  mere  asking,  the  writer  of  this  article  being  one  of  the 
many  thus  favored. 

The  execution  was  scarcely  over  before  the  President  had  be- 
fore him  a  letter  from  Robert  C.  Kennedy,  under  sentence  of 
death  in  Fo.rt  Lafayette.  He  was  one  of  a  group  of  nine  Con- 
federates engaged  in  the  plot  to  burn  the  city  of  New  York  in 
November,  1864.  Kennedy  in  his  letter  to  the  President  raised 
the  novel  plea  that  death  was  too  severe  a  punishment  for  his 
offense,  that  Beall 's  execution  ser\^ed  all  purpose.  This  absurd 
contention,  of  course,  availed  nothing. '  His  execution  followed 
one  month  after  Beall 's. 

Writing  some  four  months  after  Beall's  death  a  close  friend 
and  school-mate,  Daniel  B.  Lucas,  subsequently  United  States 
Senator  from  West  Virginia,  and  judge  of  the  United  States 
Supreme  Court  of  that  State,  said  of  President  Lincoln's  course 
in  the  Beall  case :  ' '  There  was  one  expedient  which  might  have 
been  successful  had  it  been  adopted,  that  was  to  have  purchased 
the  more  influential  of  the  Republican  journals  of  New  York 
over  in  favor  of  mercy.  There  was  one  influence  to  which  Pres- 
ident Lincoln  never  failed  to  yield  when  strongly  directed  against 
him,  the  voice  of  his  party ;  this  he  did  upon  principle  as  the  head 
of  a  popular  government.  Unfortunately,  neither  Beall  nor  his 
friends  belonged  to  that  party,  hence  the  doors  of  mercy  were 


closed  against  him."  Lucas  was  a  practicing  lawyer  in  Rich- 
mond when  Beall  was  awaiting  trial.  He  wrote  to  Dix  asking 
that  he  be  allowed  to  act  as  Beall 's  counsel,  but  Dix  made  no  re- 
ply. What  Lucas  sets  forth  as  to  Lincoln's  vulnerability  must  not 
be  too  seriously  taken,  since  it  was  written  at  a  time  when  party 
passion  ran  high  and  the  writer  had  not  yet  recovered  from  the 
crushing  blow  occasioned  by  the  execution  of  his  dearest  friend. 
Lincoln  in  this  instance,  could  not  well  defy  public  opinion,  sup- 
plemented as  it  was  with  Dix's  previously  quoted  declaration 
that  "a  want  of  firmness  would  be  against  the  outraged  civiliza- 
tion and  humanity  of  the  age, ' '  and  the  no  less  forcible  report  of 
Judge  Advocate  General  Joseph  Holt,  that  "  Beall 's  last  enter- 
prise was  a  crime  of  fiendish  enormity  which  cries  loudly  for 
the  vengeance  of  the  outraged  law.' 


From  the  execution  of  Beall  and  the  assassination  of  Lincoln 
has  sprung  a  weird  and  lurid  story  for  years  industriously  cir- 
culated and  eagerly  devoured— that  Booth's  deed  was  inspired  by 
the  President's  broken  promise  of  a  pardon  made  to  Booth. 
These  in  brief  are  the  alleged  facts :  Beall  and  Booth  were  bosom 
friends,  were  before  the  war  much  together— as  Damon  and 
Pythias— and  they  had  attended  the  same  school.  During  the  war 
Booth  was  with  Beall  on  his  Lake  Erie  expedition.  When  Beall 
was  captured  Booth  sought  Washington  McLean,  of  Ohio,  then 
in  Washington,  John  P.  Hale,  United  States  Senator  from  New 
Hampshire,  and  John  W.  Forney,  to  aid  in  Beall 's  release.  For- 
ney was  induced  to  implore  the  President  to  exercise  clemency. 
Hale,  McLean  and  Booth,  were  driven  at  midnight  to  the  White 
House,  the  President  was  aroused  and  there  was  not  a  dry  eye 
in  the  room  as  Booth  knelt  at  the  feet  of  Lincoln,  clasped  his 
knees  and  begged  him  to  spare  Beall 's  life.  All  present  joined 
in  the  request.  At  last  Lincoln  with  tears  streaming  down  his 
face  took  Booth  by  the  hands  and  promised  Beall's  pardon.  The 
next  morning,  Seward  said  when  informed  by  Lincoln  what  he 
had  done,  that  public  sentiment  in  the  North  demanded  that  Beall 
should  be  hung  and  he  threatened  to  resign  should  the  President 
interfere.  Seward  carried  his  point  and  Beall  was  hanged.  The 
effect  on  Booth  was  terrible.  He  brooded  over  schemes  of  ven- 
geance and  the  assassination  followed. 


Such  is  the  substance  of  this  remarkable  theory  of  Booth's 
motive  which  for  years  found  currency  in  numerous  newspapers 
and  periodicals.    The  Virginia  Historical  Society  regarded  the 
story  as  of  sufficient  importance  for  incorporation  in  its  official 
publications.  Its  genesis  is  uncertain  but  there  is  reason  for  be- 
lieving that  it  was  conceived  in  the  brain  of  Mark  M.  Pomeroy, 
the  notorious  editor  of  '* Pomeroy 's  Democrat,"  a  sensational 
weekly  published  shortly  after  the  war.  John  W.  Forney  in  1876 
publicly  branded  the  story  so  far  as  it  relates  to  his  knowing  or 
meeting  Booth  during  his  lifetime,  as  an  utter  fabrication  and  he 
incidentally  mentions  the  name  of  "Mr,  Pomeroy"  as  the  au- 
thor of  the  story  as  originally  printed  not  long  before.    Forney 
adds  that  if  Lincoln  made  such  a  promise  to  Booth  as  alleged  he 
would  have  fulfilled  it  at  all  hazards  and  that  Seward  would 
have  been  the  last  man  in  the  world  to  ask  him  to  break  his 

It  is  a  matter  of  common  knowledge  that  Booth's  designs  on 
Lincoln  antedated  Beall's  operations  by  a  quite  remote  period. 
Extensive  research  fails  to  disclose  the  slightest  evidence  of  any 
acquaintance  or  intercourse  of  Beall  and  Booth  prior  to  or  dur- 
ing the  war.  Finally,  the  question  of  Booth's  motive  in  killing- 
Lincoln  so  far  as  it  involves  Beall  is  disposed  of  by  Booth's  own 
record  in  his  so-called  diary  of  his  movements  after  the  assas- 
sination wherein  is  found  under  date  of  April  21  the  entry:  "T 
knew  no  private  wrong.  I  struck  for  my  country  and  that 
alone."  This  diary  is  in  the  possession  of  the  War  Department. 

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